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This Section is grouped under World at large. Section XX Asia became very active since 2013 when an Induction ceremony was held in Sarawak in conjunction with Commonwealth Dental Conference. Since then, We had organized 3 major International Conference consecutively in 2014,2015,2016 attracting hundreds of delegates coming from all over Asia. This has also sprouted many other ICD conferences organized in many other regions, namely Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Singapore, Hong Kong.

ICD becomes active and we saw many new fellow are inducted and many other dormant fellows applied to be reactivated their fellowship status.

This rapid and vibrant development leads to the need for autonomous status to cope with the demands of each rapidly developing regions


Proposed Action Plan for 2018-2020

  • To reach out to all existing ICD Fellows in Section XV

  • To set up a Fellowship Directory for all Fellows

  • To set up a comprehensive Fellowship admission criteria

  • To work with NDA on Humanitarian activities

What would you like the ICD be in 5 years?

  • Financial stability

  • Geographical development

  • Values of the organization

  • Involved and committed membership

  • To carve a niche for ICD- ICD being the honorable and reputable organization, to be the

  • To attract sponsorship

  • Attract younger membership and develop the pathway of ascencion for the young and able

  • Greater and even representation from all fields, ie. Academic, private , civil practice, military etc

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